Korean handset maker Samsung has launched the world’s first foldable smartphone, Samsung Galaxy Fold in India at Rs 1,64,999. Confident of getting traction from luxury-end of the market, Samsung will make the device available in the offline market before Diwali. The handset maker, citing GFk data, claimed 72% value market share in the month of …
Analysts: iPhone 11 launch reminiscent of iPhone 6 popularity in India
Several analysts have already suggested that the Apple iPhone 11 is proving popular in markets such as China. Now, it appears that the colorful iPhone 11 is also a hit in India, which has become an increasingly important market for Apple over the last several years. “With the iPhone 11 and its higher-priced variants, what …
Corporate Tax Cut: Move to generate more investment and employment
India’s move to cut corporate tax will further propel manufacturers’ abilities to generate employment and invest more in local research and development (R&D). HMD Global, which makes Nokia phones, said that the move to cut corporate tax will encourage more entries into the Indian market. “We are also hopeful that post the relaxation for domestic …
Apple and Flex collaborate on battery packs
Apple and Flex are collaborating in India, with Apple sourcing battery packs from Flex’s India plant for its locally made iPhones. The move is a step-up for the Cupertino-based company in building a parts ecosystem in India, where it has so far struggled to have a wide presence. “Flex is making battery packs for Apple… …
Why 5G not yet on Apple’s mind as rivals go gaga over it
If you are wondering why Apple has not yet launched a 5G iPhone while others are going ballistic over launching 5G-ready or 5G-enabled handsets, there is a solid reason behind the reluctance to embrace the technology. Huawei, Samsung, OnePlus, Oppo and LG have all showcased 5G phones. Sony is also working on one such device. …
Apple TV+ enters OTT space with bang
With over 1.4 billion active installed base of devices globally and millions in India – iPhones, iPads, Apple TV, Macs, iPod touch and more – Apple has finally flexed its muscles to take on content streaming giants like Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime and Disney with aggressive pricing, free offers and all-original stories. The announcement of …
Will new iPhones and services help change Apple’s market position?
Apple‘s new iPhones, announced yesterday evening at the Steve Jobs theatre, Cupertino had the audience at the edge of their seat. The new iPhones retain the fundamental design language of the predecessors but have got a lot going for them like computational photography, night mode, and some benchmark breaking under-the-hood upgrades. In addition to them, …
Apple in deep India push with streaming service, iPhone 11 at ‘aggressive’ prices
Apple made a determined bid to push deeper into India, unveiling what analysts termed was a disruptive pricing for its upcoming video streaming services to take on the likes of Netflix, Hotstar and Amazon, and lowering the price of its latest entry model, iPhone 11, by nearly 16% compared with last year’s similar model, iPhone …
iPhone 11 set to make Apple’s Diwali a grand affair
Learning its lessons from the success of iPhone XR in India, Apple has done the right thing by launching iPhone 11 at a reasonable price point at a time when the festive season is round the corner, industry analysts said on Wednesday. The iPhone XR that was launched last year saw uplift after the price drop and …
Huawei says 5G roll-out in India will be delayed by 3 years if it’s banned
Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., which is under scrutiny worldwide over network security concerns, believes that banning the company in India will delay the roll-out of 5G services in the country by two to three years. The Chinese telecom equipment maker is battling intense pressure from the US, which is pushing allies to keep the company …