Steve Jobs once said “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come…” As far as one can remember, movies always have had a special place in our life. Movies appeal to us, provoke us and quite often, …
How Aegon Life dramatically reinvented itself as a digital-first life insurance company?
There are always decisive moments in history, the implications and impact of which only become clearer in hindsight. The pandemic changed the way we lived, worked and thought about things. There are two distinct trends that have emerged in the new normal: The hunt for talent. We are witnessing a shift from a temporary to …
How Anthem Biosciences pioneered the Digital twin in pharmaceutical manufacturing?
We are reaching an inflection point. Manufacturing is increasingly getting digital. With the new ‘digital twin’, it is now possible to have complete control on complex manufacturing processes remotely. As a result, organizations are better placed to detect physical issues on the factory floor, predict outcomes more accurately, and plan better production outcomes. Pharmaceutical manufacturing …
How Toyota Financial Services leveraged its ‘Digital Workplace’ platform to tide over the pandemic?
Through the course of the pandemic, enterprises, leaders, and most importantly, employees learnt to adapt, innovate, connect, collaborate in an everything-from-home context. In the new normal, we are witnessing a shift from a temporary to a transformative future of work. Much before the pandemic, the digital transformation was sweeping through the workplace, changing the way …